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Citizenship Requirements
Must have U.S. Citizenship OR be an alien admitted for permanent residence.
Minimum Age Required
18 years
Medical Certificate Requirements
- Original – Must hold a valid Medical Certificate or be approved for Medical Certificate.
- Renewal, ROG, New Endorsement – Must hold an unexpired Medical Certificate or submit a Medical Certificate application.
Drug Testing Requirement
- Must be Drug Testing Compliant
Fee Requirement
Mariner Fees must be paid
Course completion certificate in lieu of Coast Guard examination
180 days of service in a rating at least equal to that of a wiper or coal
- Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer
- Oiler
- Boiler Technician (Formerly Fireman) /Watertender
- Junior Engineer
- Pump Technician (Formerly Pumpman) /Machinist
- QMED – Any Rating (must hold all 5 ratings to be endorsed) Approved training programs, other than those classified as a school ship, may substitute for up to one-half of the required service.
- A graduate of a school ship may qualify for a rating endorsement as QMED, without further service, upon satisfactory completion of the program of instruction. For this purpose, school ship is interpreted to mean an institution that offers a complete approved program of instruction, including a period of at-sea training, in the skills appropriate to the rating of QMED. (Please refer to COAP for approved school ships and the scope of their approvals.)
- Training programs, other than those classified as a school ship, may be substituted for up to one-half of the required service. The service/training ratio for each program is determined by the Coast Guard. (Please refer to COAP.)
- Original single ratings of Pump Technician (Formerly Pumpman), Machinist, Electrician or Refrigerating Engineer will no longer be issued. Mariner can only be issued combined ratings of Pump Technician (Formerly Pumpman) /Machinist and/or Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer.
- Mariners holding a single rating that is now combined and request the combined rating will need to pass the appropriate exam.
- Original endorsements of Deck Engineer, Deck Engine Mechanic or Engineman will no longer be issued.
- Mariners may renew any previous endorsement as is.
- If QMED Deck Engineer, Deck Engine Mechanic, or Engineman were held, renew as is for those three endorsements, even if the mariner has all other QMEDs and is also issued QMED – Any Rating. See Drafting Manual
*If you are looking to obtain an STCW Endorsement, please visit the associated STCW Career Guide below, or CONTACT US for more information:
***This information is from the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center please visit their site to check for the most up to date forms and checklists The licensing and career information published here is provided as a courtesy, convenience and without cost. We do not claim to represent the U.S. Coast Guard or other licensing Administrations. NMI does not provide formal advice regarding USCG license eligibility and cannot guarantee an individual’s eligibility for any specific license or credential. NMI accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or validity of general information provided. Individuals seeking confirmation of eligibility for any specific USCG license or credential must contact the USCG directly for an evaluation.***