Launch Operator

Launch Operator

Complete your Launch Operator training Online using NEMO°. Marinas and yacht clubs require licensed Launch Operators to take members to their moorings. Complete your training online to get your USCG license application submitted.

(This course is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard.)


The Limited Master license may be issued to applicants to be employed by a marina, yacht club, formal camp or educational institution allowing the licensed person to operate an inspected launch in a limited area. Inspected launches will have a Certificate of Inspection (COI) stating number of passengers (usually more than 6) and area of operation. Uninspected launches carry 6 or less passengers and only require the OUPV Limited License.

Our course is approved for licensing for both inspected and uninspected launches.

This online course is based on a 16 hour in-person course.

System Requirements
Internet access is required. The preferred web browser is Google Chrome, but you may use Edge or Safari if necessary.