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Citizenship Requirements
Minimum Age Required
Medical Certificate Requirements
Drug Testing Requirements
Fee Requirements
Mariner Fees must be paid
Must have physical copy of OCMI approval with the application
(formal camps, yacht clubs, educational institutions, and marinas)
First Aid & CPR
Note: Only required when, in the opinion of the Coast Guard, the geographic area over which service is authorized precludes obtaining medical services within a reasonable time. Check the OCMI approval.
The OCMI approval should have a specified tonnage, if not specified, calculate tonnage in accordance with 46 CFR 11.422.
Satisfies the unique qualification requirements of an applicant or distinct group of mariners per 11.201(1).
(formal camps, yacht clubs, educational institutions, and marinas)
First Aid & CPR
Note: Only required when, in the opinion of the Coast Guard, the geographic area over which service is authorized precludes obtaining medical services within a reasonable time. Check the OCMI approval.
Satisfy the unique qualification requirements of an applicant or distinct group of mariners per 11.201(l).
Limited Master
Sail or Auxiliary Sail endorsement, ONLY authorized for NC waters:
***This information is from the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center please visit their site to check for the most up to date forms and checklists https://www.dco.uscg.mil/national_maritime_center/. The licensing and career information published here is provided as a courtesy, convenience and without cost, please visit their site to check for the most up to date forms and checklists.. We do not claim to represent the U.S. Coast Guard or other licensing Administrations. NMI does not provide formal advice regarding USCG license eligibility and cannot guarantee an individual’s eligibility for any specific license or credential. NMI accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or validity of general information provided. Individuals seeking confirmation of eligibility for any specific USCG license or credential must contact the USCG directly for an evaluation.***